Appointment FAQ’s
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Make a Booking to see Dr Menogue?
To see Dr Menogue in his rooms you will need a referral from your GP or other treating specialist. Your referring doctor should include the reason for seeing Dr Menogue, your past medical and surgical history, your current medications and any investigations that have been performed. Eg blood tests, xrays, ct scans, urine tests etc. Please email this information to or call 02 9982 4477 for further guidance.
Where are Dr Menogue’s rooms?
Dr Menogue consults in Suite 16 on Level 7 within Northern Beaches Hospital Campus. There is parking in the multi-story car park on the campus as well as public bus stops nearby. To navigate to Dr Menogue’s rooms enter via the main hospital entrance. Take Lift A to level 7. Turn left out of the lift and turn left again down the long corridor. Suite 16 is at the very end of the corridor.
Alternatively, speak to the concierge at the desk near the main entrance. Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your appointment as it can take some time to find a park in the car park and make your way up to the rooms.
Does my health fund cover the consultation fee?
Private Health Funds do not provide rebates for specialist consultations. Speak to your health fund to understand this further. However you will receive a rebate from Medicare. This can be processed for you at the time of consultation. The rebate is only available if you have a referral.
How Much Will My Operation Cost?
A very clear estimate of fees will be provided once your surgical booking has been made. This will include any out of pocket costs if applicable.